A weighted bliss in the lonely light


A weighted bliss in the lonely light


Love is a mountain inside a stone,

a lightweight singer finding purpose in a mourning choir.

Love is broken, mutating into falsetto, breaking,

then layering a new underbelly. Love is something

to wish for – moving, movable with just the right

amount of softness and substance, just the tips of fingers

coursing over a body. Love is a mind free enough to know

compassion as a coping method. It is a body unbearable alone,

but under love’s touch, able to mark off

conclusion after conclusion –


constantly budding, lasting ease

lasting elation.




Copyright © 2014 by Allison Grayhurst

Walkways cover 2




First published in “blackmail press issue 39”

blackmail press 1 Blackmail press  Blackmail press A weighted bliss in the lonely light




You can listen to the poems my clicking below:



“Her (Allison Grayhurst’s) poetry appears visceral, not for the faint of heart, and moves forward with a dynamism, with a frenetic pulse. If you seek the truth, the physical blood and bones, then, by all means, open the world into which we were all born,” Anne Burke, poet, regional representative for Alberta on the League of Canadian Poets’ Council, and chair of the Feminist Caucus.

“What a treasure Allison Grayhurst is. Her gift? To unfold for us life at this intensity of feeling and revelation. Who knew truth and beauty could be so intertwined and so passionate?,” Taylor Jane Green BA, RIHR, CH, Registered Holistic Talk Therapist, and author of Swan Wheeler: A North American Mythology, Swan – A Planetary Mythology, and The Rise of Eros, 2014.



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