Have Faith In The Fall


Have Faith In The Fall



Your tide

lets loose the havoc

of untamed emotions.


Your young smile,

your eyes watch

every novelty with untainted desire.


You sleep

with your warm-womb remembrances, remembering

each day spent trusting, beyond innocence

and encroaching adulthood.


You fear a climbing intent,

the discovery of

a shared room cold with hate.


You enter

the boiling light

with no hand to hold.


You, and those years

cutting like an eclipse

the wild purity of your extreme heart.


You, and loving you

as you walk today, in the clutches

of this harrowing lesson.



Copyright © 1997 by Allison Grayhurst




First published in “The Peregrine Muse” December 2015

The Peregrine Muse-1  The Peregrine Muse-Have Faith1 The Peregrine Muse-Have Faith2 The Peregrine Muse-2



You can listen to the poem by clicking below:


“Allison Grayhurst intertwines a potent spirituality throughout her work so that each poem is not simply a statement or observation, but a revelation that demands the reader’s personal involvement. Grayhurst’s poetic genius is profound and evident. Her voice is uniquely authentic, undeniable in its dignified vulnerability as it is in its significance,” Kyp Harness, singer/songwriter, author.

“Allison Grayhurst’s poems are like cathedrals witnessing and articulating in unflinching graphic detail the gritty angst and grief of life, while taking it to rare clarity, calm and comfort. Grayhurst’s work is haunting, majestic and cleansing, often leaving one breathless in the wake of its intelligence, hope, faith and love amidst the muck of life. Many of Allison Grayhurst’s poems are simply masterpieces. Grayhurst’s poetry is a lighthouse of intelligent honour… indeed, intelligence rips through her work like white water,” Taylor Jane Green, Registered Spiritual Psychotherapist and author.

Reviews of  ‘Journey of the Awakening’:
“Journey of the Awakening is the first book of poetry that I have read of Allison Grayhurst. While reading it began to sound familiar, the comment to myself was “She is as good as Sylvia Plath”. When I finished the book I read comments from others who referred to her as “In the style of Sylvia Plath”; Ms Plath, one of my favorite poets had no match until Ms Grayhurst’s work. Congratulations to her on her achievements, I am already a ‘fan’, the love of her work will continue to grow,” Ann Johnson-Murphree, poet and author.
“Grayhurst is a great Canadian poet. All of Allison Grayhurst’s poetry is original, sometimes startling, and more often than not, powerful. Anyone who loves modern poetry that does not follow the common path will find Grayhurst complex, insightful, and as good a poet as anyone writing in the world today. This, and other Grayhurst poetry volumes are highly, highly recommended,” Tom Davis, poet, novelist and educator.



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