When I met an angel she was on a subway car



When I met an angel

she was on a subway car


Dyed, dull blonde,

roots showing, hunched

over, more than middle age.

No conversation, but

a half smile, a slight nod and

looking affectionately, in my mind saying,

“You should already know

God is here, present when you have no

strength to even ask or search, when both sides

of the tunnel are blocked and the only

way out is up, through loose earth and an inevitable

collapse. God is here, you know,

I am.

How many times do I have to be obvious

to re-kindle your faith?

How many times have I loved you,

drenching you with miracles,

sending you to the depths to find flight,

sending you to a choice of yes or no, so you can


I love you – where trusting me is loving me

is all there is left always to do?”

When I met an angel, she was on a subway car,

temporarily normal – at once

personal, at once divine.



Copyright © 2015 by Allison Grayhurst

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Make the Wind cover






First published in “Prachya Review” September 2015



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