elegy of this day being


elegy of this day being


At the throat, brushed green like tile I shine.

The devil says “hum-drum”

as the eel struggles, futile like a wagging tail.

So many broken, hating with the hardness of crocodiles

and ants, pulling along their dead,

to consume, knowing nothing of sorrow or forgiveness.

All night I sit with my naked thighs

on the carpet, red from the heat.

What point could there possibly be

to all this pain, the death

of others, the sickness that swarms in mid-air?

Hurricanes hit the graveyards.

A gull tilts on a telephone wire. I wish to bid goodbye.

I wish for ice-cream cones in my fridge,

a handful of poppies to give some child,

any child, I meet.

I see dead eyes in my dream,

glossed with mucous and unbearable vacancy.

How do I serve when the world is so cold?

The humpbacks know this, the midgets

and also the centipedes.

I want to hide in rooms where

infants are sleeping or salamanders nurse their young.

The darkness is in me. The ground deceives me,

changes colours as I go.

Let us go now, my nightmares

and I, go under the light, go until

our heart’s blood is free-falling, exposed.



Copyright © 1998 by Allison Grayhurst




First published in the summer 2012 issue of “Parabola” called Alone & Together

Parabola – Alone and Together

Click to access parabola-alone-and-together.pdf


Click to access Parabola-Index-1976-2019.pdf


Published in “Creative Talents Unleashed” March 2017



You can listen to the poem by clicking below:



River – Songs from the poetry of Allison Grayhurst






 “Allison Grayhurst intertwines a potent spirituality throughout her work so that each poem is not simply a statement or observation, but a revelation that demands the reader’s personal involvement. Grayhurst’s poetic genius is profound and evident. Her voice is uniquely authentic, undeniable in its dignified vulnerability as it is in its significance,” Kyp Harness, singer/songwriter, author.

“Allison Grayhurst’s poems are like cathedrals witnessing and articulating in unflinching graphic detail the gritty angst and grief of life, while taking it to rare clarity, calm and comfort. Grayhurst’s work is haunting, majestic and cleansing, often leaving one breathless in the wake of its intelligence, hope, faith and love amidst the muck of life. Many of Allison Grayhurst’s poems are simply masterpieces. Grayhurst’s poetry is a lighthouse of intelligent honour… indeed, intelligence rips through her work like white water,” Taylor Jane Green, Registered Spiritual Psychotherapist and author.


Review of The Longing To Be: 

“The contents of Allison Grayhurst’s book The Longing To Be are both personal and universal and are described in such thematic and golden terms that one can see that a lot of thought has gone into each line. The poems are written mostly in free verse throughout, with both rhythm and soul weaved into them. For some poems, the layout seems experimental, and there is definitely a playfulness in the way that the words and verses fall onto the page. Others do conform to a “norm”, whatever that is. All are dramatic and thoughtful. These are layered poems with new horizons presented to the reader in every re-read. The effect is to keep things fresh with poems that constantly surprise in spite, and because of, the number of times being read. I thoroughly recommend The Longing To Be as a poetry book to study carefully and cherish far into the future,” poet Brian Shirra.



4 responses to “elegy of this day being

  1. davidstrachan611 – Scotland – That's me being hauled up the stony path of reality against my will and that's me too, boat against the current, on the Seine, with the love of my life (but not me of hers alas alas). That's me. And that's me walking on water. Likes? Dislikes? I have always liked Andrew Wyeth, Hopper, Kafka, Anthony Gormley, Beethoven's Late Quartets, the Brontes, Eric Cantona, both Richard Burtons, Tracey Solomon, Brel, Jane Austen, Cartier-Bresson, Glendronach, Highland Park, though not necessarily in that order. I find Rob Bryden Steve Coogan Ricky Gervais Russel Brand Larry David Garry Shandling very funny - La Strada is still my favourite film, Empire of the Sun also - Pity about Woody Allen. J.D. Salinger's short stories still impress - 'Just before the war with the Eskimos' -great title! Peter Cameron's 'One Way or Another' I've reread and reread. And Eleanor Bron's 'Life and Other Punctures' is again one of the books I still reread with constant affection. And Chekhov. And Kafka. And Carver.. Politically I like Cesar Manrique, the polymath caring creator of Lanzarote sadly killed in a car crash on the roundabout a mile from his specatacular lava-bubble home.I used to be revolutionary now I' more evolutionary. Didn't like Blair, changed my mind about Maggie Thatcher, despair of Scottish football and Scottish politics.. One day I'll fly away.... it says below: 'Tell people a little about yourself'....has this little been enough? Too much? Tell me a little about yourself - or a lot...... )
    davidstrachan611 says:

    “Let us go then, you and I,
    when the evening is spread out against the sky
    like a patient etherised upon a table…”
    (I think I’ve quoted this before in some other comment, about Eliot’s ‘Objective Correlative’ probably) but what he is saying through his ‘metaphor’ is not this is how I see the sunset but how the sunset makes me feel – it’s a bit like trying to explain the impact of Munch’s ‘Scream’ – in fact it’s so hard to explain an artist’s use of imagery (“the invisible worm/that flies in the night”) it’s sort of stupid even to try! Liked your poem though…

  2. namelessneed – N.FT.Myers/Port Townsend/East Lansing – Hurried home from the all night govt factory job to finally "let go" into my Real job making up stuff for attention . Love the books,the films,the music. trying to get regular daring to spill some.
    namelessneed says:

    wonderful, again/ I intend to enter an american bookstore sometime soon and
    plop down my filthy lucre for clean & sure words in a book of poetry
    good job, allison

  3. Allison, once again, I find your responses to darkness quite atypical. How is “exposure” and vulnerability and such (almost surgical) light the answer to our nightmares? to the darkness in us? It is quite the opposite from what you want — to hide. Freedom comes from being known, I do know that, from allowing your darkness to be seen and loved even, yes even loved.

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