New Book: If I Get There – Poems of Faith and Doubt, a collection

If I Get There – Poems of Faith and Doubt a collection,

2012, Edge Unlimited Publishing

New book now available for sale in both paperback and digital forms at, Amazon Europe, Amazon Canada and Amazon Kindle.

Follow the link below to the author page:

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Or follow the link to Amazon Kindle:

(please note to retain proper formatting of the poems, kindle books are best viewed from a large screen such as an iPad)



5 responses to “New Book: If I Get There – Poems of Faith and Doubt, a collection

  1. I saw your books in person, held them in my hands, opened them and read at random. They are so, so lovely. I loved the covers with the photos of your sculpture – all people, mostly faces. They were presented as they are – with no intention to manipulate, just straight-up, fresh-faced for all to see. like children are, so very dear and unaffected, your sculptures are beautiful. Just like the writings, full of consideration, questions, and trust (nakedness, whatever one wants to call it…there is great strength in vulnerability).
    Thank you.
    Just keep doing what you do.

  2. Oh – I forgot to say one thing…I just took another look at the sculptures and there is “someone home” inside of each one, there is someone alive in there, inside of all of them.
    Beautiful. Don’t change, stay pure.

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